6 Things to do when you’re feeling un-motivated


You may have your whole day planned out from morning to night and the night before you’re really excited and rearing for the day ahead, but the day comes and you just feel unmotivated and cannot get out of bed or do not have the energy to get on with your to do list. This happens to me OFTEN and it is something that I am currently trying to work on. I have found a few ways that motivates me to get up and get my day started.


If you find that at times, you just can’t be bothered to get up and do anything productive, despite having your day planned out then these are 6 steps you can take to try and evoke the motivation in you.


6 things to do when you’re feeling un-motivated:


1.       Visualisation – You can use a vision board for this. Visualising your dream life and all the things you want in life, will get you excited for your future. This should in return, motivate you to get up and do something productive, that will get you closer to your goals and your dream life. As laying down in bed, probably won’t get you closer to this vision you have of your life.


2.       Read/listen to something motivating – You can read blogs, articles, have a scroll through motivational social media pages (be sure to check out mine haha), books, quotes, motivational speeches or listen to an audiobook.


3.       Go to your favourite place for inspirational content- This could be a YouTuber who inspires you or you admire their work-rate and consistency or a Youtuber whose videos you enjoy. This could be motivational speakers who you resonate with or enjoy hearing their words of wisdom. This could also be someone in the field that you’re interested in, seeing someone else in the position you want to be in, can be really motivating.


4.       Repeat positive statements aloud or in your head. if you’re in bed struggling to get out of bed but you know you really want to clean the house, feed your mind with positive statements. Tell yourself, ‘I am going to get up now and be productive’, ‘I am going to clean the whole house today’, ‘I am ready to get my day started’. You don’t have to say these exact statements, but whatever you feel like saying, say it! This builds up momentum within your thoughts, until your body eventually listens to your mind. It must be in your mind before your physical body can react.


5.       Shower - Once I am pumped up and ready to get out of bed, the first thing I will usually do is get up and take a shower whilst listening to music. Listening to music is one of my favourite things to do and it always gets me in a good mood and motivates me. Showering, of course just makes me feel fresh and ready for my day.


6.       Take ONE actionable step - Start by taking ONE actionable step for something you want to get done. Don’t focus on the bigger picture, just that ONE step to help get you moving. For example, again, if you want to clean the house, start by washing up the stuff in the sink so it looks cleaner and tidier. Seeing this all cleaned, should motivate you to continue making other areas of the house clean.


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