Stop making excuses for not after what your heart truly desires
We tend to have goals and dreams in life. We tend to have a vision of a better version of our current living situation. This could include having a better job, earning more money, going on holidays, being able to buy whatever we want, healthy relationships and more. In order to have these things in life, action is required. We have to do things differently in order for things to change. We can’t expect to do absolutely nothing and expect things to miraculously change. Everything you do or don’t do in this current moment will impact your future. If you decide to binge watch Netflix all day instead of work on your CV and apply for jobs then you cannot expect to land that dream job. If you decide to stay on Instagram and TikTok all day watching other people instead of making a plan of action for your own life then again, nothing will change, and time will just fly by.
Stop making excuses for not going after your goals and what your
heart truly desires. There are so many excuses we come up with as to why we
haven’t gone after what we truly want. “I’ve just had a baby so all my time is
focused on the baby”, “I don’t have the funds at the moment to invest into my
business”, “I’ve got so much on my plate, I just don’t have the time right
now”. Many of us live busy lives and things are always going to come up but we
learn to juggle things. All it takes is one small step at a time, you don’t
have to focus on the bigger picture, just what you can do each day to help get
you there. It comes to a point when you have to take the leap and commit to
your goals instead of coming up with an excuse so always ask yourself is what I
am doing in this current moment going to contribute to my future?
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