Things That Could Be Holding You Back In Life #1


Things that could be holding you back in life:


Not having enough motivation - Without motivation you are more inclined to stay stagnant. It will be difficult for you to progress forward as there will be no driving force to get you going. When you are motivated, you are more likely to take action and to make a change in your life. Find whatever it is that motivates you and when you feel your motivation diminishing, go back to it to reignite that motivation!


Not having a passion for something - There may be various things you like at different times and you may just be going with the flow. If you don’t have a passion for one particular thing, then you may delve into different areas at different times. If you have a passion for something, then this is the thing you are likely to spend your time on and the thing you put all your efforts into, which could be your path in life that brings you your success.


Not having a vision of how you would like your life to be - Many of us have a vision and know the different aspects of how we would like our life to be which sets everything into perspective for us e.g. cars, houses, career, relationships, fitness etc. With this vision you can work out what steps you need to take in order to live this vision. If we do not have a vision or any direction of where we want to be in life, we will continue to live the same lives we have always lived, not aiming for much. 


Procrastination - There are so many distractions out there and it is so easy to find yourself being unproductive. Procrastination holds us back from achieving our goals. Instead of doing something you have set out to do you take the easier option and do things which takes less effort and less thought. It may be wired into your subconscious brain to procrastinate. You need to be disciplined in order to push yourself to do something productive and to get yourself out of procrastinating.


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