Things That Could Be Holding You Back In Life #2

People around us not motivating us and draining our energy - The people we have around us can impact our mood, what we do, how we act and how we speak. If you are constantly arguing with your partner, this will affect your mood. The time wasted arguing, could have been put to something more productive. If you have a partner who sleeps in late and lazes around it can rub off on you, causing you to be less productive. If your friends speak negatively, like to complain, gossip and rarely speak of their goals and ambitions then this is not very encouraging nor motivating which ruins your energy levels and puts you on a lower frequency. Other people unloading their problems onto you can be a burden on you and can affect your own well-being. Caring what others think - If we care too much about what others think we will not be true to ourselves. We will be afraid to be our authentic selves in fear of judgment and how others may view us. For example, you may want to start a Yo...