
Things That Could Be Holding You Back In Life #2

  People around us not motivating us and draining our energy - The people we have around us can impact our mood, what we do, how we act and how we speak. If you are constantly arguing with your partner, this will affect your mood. The time wasted arguing, could have been put to something more productive. If you have a partner who sleeps in late and lazes around it can rub off on you, causing you to be less productive. If your friends speak negatively, like to complain, gossip and rarely speak of their goals and ambitions then this is not very encouraging nor motivating which ruins your energy levels and puts you on a lower frequency. Other people unloading their problems onto you can be a burden on you and can affect your own well-being.   Caring what others think - If we care too much about what others think we will not be true to ourselves. We will be afraid to be our authentic selves in fear of judgment and how others may view us. For example, you may want to start a Yo...

Things That Could Be Holding You Back In Life #1

  Things that could be holding you back in life:   Not having enough motivation - Without motivation you are more inclined to stay stagnant. It will be difficult for you to progress forward as there will be no driving force to get you going. When you are motivated, you are more likely to take action and to make a change in your life. Find whatever it is that motivates you and when you feel your motivation diminishing, go back to it to reignite that motivation!   Not having a passion for something - There may be various things you like at different times and you may just be going with the flow. If you don’t have a passion for one particular thing, then you may delve into different areas at different times. If you have a passion for something, then this is the thing you are likely to spend your time on and the thing you put all your efforts into, which could be your path in life that brings you your success.   Not having a vision of how you would like your ...

Stop making excuses for not after what your heart truly desires

  We tend to have goals and dreams in life. We tend to have a vision of a better version of our current living situation. This could include having a better job, earning more money, going on holidays, being able to buy whatever we want, healthy relationships and more. In order to have these things in life, action is required. We have to do things differently in order for things to change. We can’t expect to do absolutely nothing and expect things to miraculously change. Everything you do or don’t do in this current moment will impact your future. If you decide to binge watch Netflix all day instead of work on your CV and apply for jobs then you cannot expect to land that dream job. If you decide to stay on Instagram and TikTok all day watching other people instead of making a plan of action for your own life then again, nothing will change, and time will just fly by.  Stop making excuses for not going after your goals and what your heart truly desires. There are so many excuse...

6 Things to do when you’re feeling un-motivated

  You may have your whole day planned out from morning to night and the night before you’re really excited and rearing for the day ahead, but the day comes and you just feel unmotivated and cannot get out of bed or do not have the energy to get on with your to do list. This happens to me OFTEN and it is something that I am currently trying to work on. I have found a few ways that motivates me to get up and get my day started.   If you find that at times, you just can’t be bothered to get up and do anything productive, despite having your day planned out then these are 6 steps you can take to try and evoke the motivation in you.   6 things to do when you’re feeling un-motivated:   1.        Visualisation – You can use a vision board for this. Visualising your dream life and all the things you want in life, will get you excited for your future. This should in return, motivate you to get up and do something productive, that...


  What is self-development? Self-development (personal development) is about growing and bettering yourself which can be done in various ways. 3 reasons why you should invest in self-development. 1. Helps you to grow and to get out of your comfort zone: Being in your comfort zone, is a comfortable place but in order to grow as a person you need to face your fears and do things that are outside of that zone. For example, you may have just landed a new job that pays really well and has even better perks than your last job but soon after starting the role, you realise the role requires you to deliver presentations to clients. You may have a fear of public speaking and every time it comes up; you feel uneasy, un-relaxed and nervous. They could decide that they would rather not deal with it, so they could quit their job and do a job role where this is not required. Taking self-development into account, in order to grow and better yourself, keeping this job and facing this fear is ...


  So many people do not have self-belief and don’t believe they will ever be able to reach their dreams, so they don’t set goals to accomplish anything major in life and just stick to the bear minimum, by doing what they need to do to just get by in life. If you are in a place, where you lack belief in yourself, I will explain a way that should help to instil some self-belief in you. Reflect on who you are as a person and think about your talents, your abilities, and your strengths. If you’re unsure of what your talents/strengths are, ask yourself, what is it that you are good at? Are there any areas that you excel in? What are your skills and qualities? Maybe there was something you always loved and enjoyed doing in your younger years that you could pick back up now? Focus on your stronger areas as opposed to your weaker areas. Think about your passions in life, what brings you joy, what it is that you really enjoy and what brings you happiness when you do it? It is likely that ...


  SHEISABOSS is a brand that wants to make a difference in people’s lives. The aim is to get as many people on the paths to happiness and on the roads to success as well there being a huge focus around self-development and growth. If you want to live a more fulfilling life that actually serves you then this is the place to be. I provide motivating and inspirational content and also create useful products that will help you on your journeys to becoming a better you. Sign up to my mailing list to find out more about my personal story, how I came up with the brand and upcoming products.  Connect with me on : Pinterest: Instagram: Facebook: Mailing list: SHEISABOSS xoxo